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Pursuit of Happiness – Ethan Christou

The students were shown a video in which two adult characters, a middle-aged man and an older woman, are sitting on a park bench discussing life. The man admits he has recently been suicidal but has now decided to stick around to “maybe make his little corner of the world a slightly happier place.” The woman responds, “That’s all there is, really. Happiness is amazing. It’s so amazing that it doesn’t matter if it’s yours or not.”

The students were asked to share their reflections on happiness.

Ethan writes that happiness is contagious, going so far as to refer to laughing as a drug to which he is addicted.

Pursuit of Happiness

Happiness is a very simple thing. Sometimes it can come easily. Other times it can be very hard to find.

For me, it doesn’t take much. Small things can make me happy. Laughing is the easiest way for me to bring happiness since it releases dopamine. Laughing is basically my drug, and I’m addicted. I’m always using it, laughing at pretty much anything.

Happiness is contagious. It’s so great to be around people who are optimistic or in a positive mood because they can spread that to you. Seeing other people happy is one of the greatest feelings. At least for me it is.

I know there are those who see happy people and get angry. That’s definitely the opposite way to go.

You should celebrate other people’s happiness, success, and achievements. Don’t envy other people’s happiness; make your own… because we all have something to be happy about.

Ethan Christou

January 28, 2022