Doppelganger by Rhys Guilfoyle
It is said that we all have a DOPPELGANGER—an exact double. Rhys, with the help of his friend, Danny, meets his, only to learn that cloning does have its downsides. *ring ring* (RHYS) “Hello?”(DANNY) “Rhys, I need help with a science experiment.” (RHYS) “Yeah what are you testing?” (DANNY) “I figured out how to clone people.” (RHYS) “Bro why haven’t you called Nobel?” (DANNY) “This has to be a secret. I’m gonna sell it to the military.” (RHYS) “What do you need help with? You sound like you got it figured out.” (DANNY) “The tests that came out aren’t perfect. They showed severe signs of devious behavior.” (RHYS) “What have you done with specimen?” (DANNY) “I killed them and harvested their organs.” (RHYS) “I’ll help you if you give me some of that organ money.” (DANNY) “Deal.” I walked over to Danny’s house. He showed me to the cloning chambers. (DANNY) “So, I should’ve told you, I need to test it on another person before I sell it.” (RHYS) “You want to clone me? I didn’t sign up for this. Is this experiment even ethical?” (DANNY) “Of course, I wouldn’t test you if it wasn’t” I stepped into the cloning chambers and Danny closed the door. He did a countdown to three and everything went black. I woke back up dazed and confused. (DANNY) “Rhys, you good?” (RHYS) “I’m fine. Did the test work?” (DANNY) “Yeah, meet your new friend X-24.” (RHYS) “Oh my god, he’s literally me. Does he speak?” (DANNY) “No. I haven’t taught them that yet. I ran other tests on him and he appears to be normal.” (RHYS) “What are we gonna do with...