It's Not Easy
It's not easy being in a house with a lot of brothers and sisters, having to deal with all the confusion that goes with it. It's not easy being eighteen still having to share a bed with your little sisters and one who has a bladder problem. Sometimes I even have to share a bed with my seven year old niece. But I won't complain. It's not easy having to live in a household with parents who share fake love with each other. It's not easy coming home from school and not having a hot meal on the dinner table, or having to go to bed with an empty stomach and waking up the next day having to go to school. But me, I still won't complain. It's not easy having to wake up five o'clock in the morning having to catch two buses to school. It's not easy going home and having to manage school work while trying to clean up everything your mother asks you to clean up. But yet, I won’t complain.
See me I still manage to get through it all. Even if it means having to go around my aunt’s house on the days she has to work and getting a ride to school from her. I also know when I go around my aunts house I will always have a hot meal every night and a bed I can sleep in alone. Even though its tough, I manage to get through it all by having different people I...