Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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Sponsor Meeting 3-9-17Hearing about all that the students have taken part in over the 2nd Trimester was just one of the things that took place at the 4th Sponsor Meeting of the school year. Parents and sponsors heard about the plays, guest speakers, seminars and movies as well as the regular classes. There was a discussion about plans for next year and student recruitment. Parents, students and sponsors shared their feelings about why they recommend this school.  Sponsor Abby Markoe said, “I’ve never experienced a school with such high standards for its students.” Added parent Stacy Laumann, “It’s such a life changing experience. It really opens their eyes for the first time of what they’re really capable of.” Student Donald Lacy shared that one of the important parts of the school for him, “It’s a positive atmosphere.” Kim Rohe, also a parent, quickly included, “It’s a very safe environment.If you send your child here, you don’t have to worry.”  “It’s the one-on-one help and you get to meet a lot of people, stated student Olivia Yates. Parent Mark Harris stated, “I’m so overwhelmed by this school…I brag about this school all the time.” Report cards were distributed as the meeting came to a close though many stayed around to talk after the meeting.

Cathy TravisHearing first hand accounts of her 25 years on Capitol Hill was a real privilege as author Cathy Travis spoke to the students today. From her experiences during 9/11 to sharing insights on the current administration, her stories were spellbinding. Ms. Travis served as a communication director, senior advisor and political consultant for various Members of Congress during her career.  She has written children’s books as well as politically themed novels and nonfiction books including her award winning Constitution Translated for Kids. Ms. Travis also shared some of the lessons that she has learned along the way in life with the importance and value of hard work and persistence being the one that had the biggest impression on the students.

The first weekly TCS Student News broadcast of the 3rd Trimester was researched, produced, written, and anchored by student Chris White. It includes news from around the world as well as our own community and the school. We hope you enjoy the broadcast and are informed by it as well.

This is the last TCS Student News of the 2nd Trimester.  It was researched, produced, written, and anchored by student Marcus McKeever. It includes news from around the world as well as our own community and the school. We hope you enjoy the broadcast and are informed by it as well.

This week’s edition of TCS Student News was researched, produced, written, and anchored by students Marcus McKeever and Kirsten Bayer. It includes news from around the world as well as our own community and the school. We hope you enjoy the broadcast and are informed by it as well.

Conversation with Ken Bancroft“Another Remington Boy Makes Good” could have been the headline for today’s seminar with Ken Bancroft.  His presentation was part of our ongoing series entitled “Conversation with…” that brings in people from a variety of fields and backgrounds to share their stories with the students.

Ken grew up at 2725 Huntingdon Avenue, down the street from the school.  This was also the site of Ted & Fred’s, the store that his family operated.  Ken married his wife Paulette Wilgis Bancroft whose family also lived in Remington. He shared the lessons of his life from life in the neighborhood to being drafted in the military through a series of jobs and a career in hospital finance and management that culminated as the President of St. Agnes Hospital.

Ken can be seen frequently around the school and has been involved with The Community School for more than a decade in a variety of capacities.  He is an active student sponsor and is the co-coordinator of our Teacher’s Pledge Campaign.

Student Spencer Bayne said, “I really enjoyed how he didn’t believe in himself, but at the end of his career he went really far and affected a lot of people’s lives.” Ken inspired pride as Caleb Rohe commented, “I love these kinds of stories too, where a hometown boy makes it big.” Olivia Yates summed up the feelings of all the students when she stated, “I definitely learned a lot of life lessons. I am really thankful that he came.”