Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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Pool PartyWhat a great way to end the year!  Students, staff volunteers, and Board members were hosted by Advisory Board member Tom & Jacque Iacoboni for a Pool Party today.  Plenty of food, games and fun were to be had as we celebrated our last time with everyone together for the 2015/2016 school term. The event that started mid afternoon went well into the evening wrapping up with a spirited game of bocce ball.  It was the first time that most of the students had ever heard of this traditional Italian game. Exhausted at the end of a wonderful day, everyone went their separate ways with a lasting memory of this remarkable year.

The final edition of TCS Student News for the 2015-2016 term was researched, produced, written, and anchored by students India Smith, Daj’a White, and Kelsey Larrimore.  It starts with a look at Memorial Day and then recaps some highlights of the year. We hope you enjoy it and will stay tuned for the return of TCS Student News in September. Have a good summer everyone!

Boom Chicka PopIt was an exciting evening at the Baltimore Museum of Art as The Community School celebrated a year of creativity by the students at a special Art Show featuring their drawings, sculptures and paintings. Many community members, families, and supporters attended this special event and examination of the sculptures, paintings and drawings displayed. A highlight was an explanation of their works given by each student as they pointed out their works around the gallery. The students warmly expressed their appreciation to artist and teacher Miko Veldkamp for a great year of working together and for putting together this show. Special thanks also to Katie Bachler and the BMA as well as the kind effort of many who provided food, drink, transport, and help with the event. (View the artist list here)

D. WatkinsThe students were honored to host author D. Watkins at the school today.  His visit followed the reading and discussion of his book: The Beast Side: Living and Dying While Black in America by Year 2 students over the last month. Mr. Watkins talked about growing up in Baltimore from a neighborhood African-American perspective and the lessons learned along the way.  The students enjoyed his relaxed style and plain language as well as his stories whether it was because he gave voice to their lives or because he introduced them to a side of Baltimore they didn’t fully know. D expressed a lot of interest in the students and the school and committed to coming back and working with the students next year.  We appreciate Justin Switzer for setting this up and also were pleased to have Evan Green, Quenton Bubb, and Miko Veldkamp join us for this discussion.

Planned Parenthood 2We were fortunate to have Lindsay Roemer and her team of peer educators back at the school today.  CJ, Serena, and Lindsay did a presentation on “Consent and Boundaries.” This seminar examined the critically important issues regarding respecting a person’s boundaries when it comes to sex and also how to make sure that there your partner is fully consenting to sexual activity.  The class watched a terrific short video entitled “Consent: It’s as Simple as Tea.” This was followed by a series of exercises and a discussion.  We appreciate our growing relationship with the youth education team at Planned Parenthood.

Leah CulottaReal stories about war, courage, sacrifice, and fear were shared with the students today by volunteer staff member Leah Culotta.  She told stories about her recently deceased husband, Samuel Culotta, who joined the military at the age of 17 to fight in World War II.  He was in 7 landing invasions in the Pacific during the height of the war with Japan.  Leah shared stories about the horrors he witnessed and how it affected him throughout his life. She also recounted a touching story of how he helped save a young, injured boy  in the Philippines and how they reunited decades later.  Her talk was illustrated with newspaper articles, photos, and even a flag that Mr. Culotta recovered from Saipan during the war.  Leah helped the students understand the real meaning of the holiday as they went into their long weekend.