Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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Circle KThere were a lot of smiling faces in the room today thanks to the Circle K organization at Johns Hopkins University. This student group, armed with Christmas wish lists from each TCS student, did their best to make the holiday extra special.  This the first year for this project arranged by Circle K member Vishaan Nursey who is also an active member of the JHU-CSI group that conducts weekly science labs at the school.  The gifts were deeply appreciated.

AIACThrough the kindness of Tom & Jacque Iacoboni students and staff attended the Associated Italian-American Charities dinner held at the Boumi Temple.  The students were warmly received by the members of AIAC who have come to know the school over the years. Tom Culotta had the opportunity to address those assembled to both talk about the school but also thank them for their generosity over the last 10 years.  We are very proud of the support we get from the Italian community in Baltimore.

Aspiring comedian and TCS student, Gary Cooper, performs a regular comedy routine every Friday morning.  He writes all of his own work and performed this act on Friday, April 17th. Gary is a multitalented young man who also plays guitar, dances, and acts.

EOY 2015The Annual End of Year Ceremony for The Community School will be held on Sunday, May 31st at The Johns Hopkins University Glass Pavilion. All students, family, sponsors, volunteers, alumni and supporters are invited. Mark your calendar now and contact the school to reserve your tickets.

Ben Lyons teaching Financial Literacy Course

Ben Lyons teaching Financial Literacy Course

Learning the ins and outs of finance, is the thrust of a new seminar course led by Ben Lyons.  The twice monthly seminar is titled Financial Literacy and was initiated after a chance meeting between Mr. Lyons and a group of the students at a Ravens game in December.  If you walked into class today you’d hear terms such as equity and leverage used as students were encouraged to both understand the world of finance and become empowered to maneuver through it. Utilizing a keen understanding of the finance system with compelling stories from his life, Mr. Lyons has captured both the attention and imagination of the students.