We had a terrific “Conversation with…” former City Council President Mary Pat Clarke. Mary Pat has been a supporter of TCS since our beginning many decades ago and has been involved with us in a variety of capacities from teaching a year long weekly course called Climate Change: Baltimore, to helping students seeking college scholarships to being a faithful advocate for the school.
The students were riveted as Mary Pat spoke about early efforts to build Black representation among Baltimore’s legislators in state government. She also spoke of her efforts to increase the representation of women in government. Mary Pat was the first woman elected to citywide office in Baltimore when she became City Council President in 1987.
Mary Pat is a legend in Baltimore and beyond for her legislative work and constituent services and many people in politics today owe their start to her efforts. To the students of The Community School, Mary Pat is the familiar and friendly face who frequently stops in with an encouraging word and helping hand.
Thank you Mary Pat!