There is nothing like a hearty, home-cooked Italian meal! The students are always excited to have the generous members of ACIM here, and enjoyed some of their delicious pasta this Thursday.
Margurita Mazza, Dennis Loehr, Jean Gallo, and Valerie Meola brought the food and stayed for conversation during lunch. The women of ACIM actually visited two weeks ago as well ahead of the final space lab, gifting the students with NASA jackets and key chains.
Thank you ACIM for your continued support and involvement in the school!
Dr. George Delahunty, retired Lilian Welsh Professor of Biology at Goucher College, led class today with our biology students. The students have been learning about the endocrine system this week. Dr. Delahunty’s professional research focuses on physiology and endocrinology.
Dr. Delahunty has taught many years of classes on endocrinology, and was able to answer a variety of questions from the students such as the effect of steroids on athletes. Thank you, Dr. Delahunty, for giving the students the opportunity to learn from an expert!
Representation matters. That’s exactly why Dyrrell Moon, TCS class of ‘17, presented today on his study abroad experience. As a student of Howard University, Dyrrell believes that once one sees someone from their kind of experience doing something like traveling, they can believe that it can happen for them, too.
Dyrrell is an International Affairs major and spent his time abroad working with the European Union. He presented a slideshow of the places he studied and what he learned about European trade and governance. The students asked questions about Brexit, which Dyrrell was able to learn about first-hand, and what it’s like traveling in foreign countries.
It’s wonderful for the students to be able to hear about the success of a recent graduate!
Maximize your time with the good ones- this was the closing piece of advice today from our discussion with George Tilson. The “Conversation With” series attempts to do just that- to maximize the student’s time with people who are great examples of success. George Tilson of course is no exception. Dr. Tilson is a career development expert and disability specialist. He is also a playwright, creating shows such as the musical Boundless!, a collection of stories about Delawareans with disabilities.
Dr. Tilson’s discussion was in the form of a brainstorm session, engaging in snippets of thoughts and exercises that tie in with personal success. To demonstrate creativity in action, the students teamed up to come up with features that they would add to a Swiss Army knife.
Then, they went around the room describing things that they were surprised about their learning experience this year, as well as things they have taught others recently. Dr. Tilson then discussed with the students what it physically feels like when they are feeling anxious, angry or sad, and demonstrated different coping mechanisms such as breathing techniques and posture.
The discussion wrapped up with with Dr. Tilson sharing a few things that he has learned over the years- four C’s. Have a champion in your life and be a champion for others, make connections, success is a upward cascade of effects, and always maintain courage in everything you do. What a great interactive workshop!