Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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This week’s edition of TCS Student News was researched, written and produced by students Aidan McIntosh and Ronan Guilfoyle. Stories include reports on US/China trade, the continuing war in Afghanistan, escalation along the Ukrainian border and new concerns about exotic fish. TCS news includes a report on a visit to the school by activist and author Eddie Conway, the students attendance at the Annual Associated Italian American Charities night, the Thanksgiving potluck dinner, preparations for the holidays, our weekly thanks, and the beginning of the 2nd trimester at TCS.

This week’s edition of TCS Student News was researched, written and produced by students Tyleiah Trusty and Hannah Cogen. Stories include reports on climate change, genetically modified babies and a police shooting. climate change. TCS news includes a report on a visit to the school by Center Stage Director Michael Ross and Education Director Adena Varner, welcoming Neenah Payne as a permanent student, CSI science lab, our weekly thanks, and the end of the 1st trimester of the school.

This week’s edition of TCS Student News was researched, written and produced by students Tyleiah Trusty and Masadey Blalock. Stories include the health advantages of eating fish and a new solution for climate change. TCS news includes a report on the 2nd Annual Bull Roast, a visit to the school by the Baltimore Women’s Giving Circle, welcoming Cameron Winebrenner as a permanent student, a seminar with Peggy Lashbrook on understanding deaf-blindness, a visit to Real New Network and Eddie Conway, the student campaign to collect hygiene kits for the homeless and our thanks for the week.

Michael Ross and Adena Varner of Baltimore Center Stage theater led our discussion for today’s Conversation With. Mr. Ross is the Executive Director of Center Stage, and Ms. Varner is the Director of Education. They talked about their jobs, the plays that have impacted their lives, and how they can relate their own life experiences to theater. Ms. Varner also treated the students to a song, demonstrating her vocal talent.

“I enjoyed the Conversation with today. I really enjoyed both of their stories, especially Mr. Michael’s because how a play changed his life. I never knew that it took a lot of work to make a play happen. One of the things that I found interesting was that if one of the main people were sick, the play still had to go on. So, they had to do a whole lot of research to find someone to do that part,” said Jordan, a senior.

“I always wanted me to act but I just never knew any places that could teach me and them coming in could give me that opportunity and maybe in some of their plays. They also kind of changed my perspective of how I view plays and musicals because I use to hate musicals but how much work they put in made me appreciate them even more. Over the weekend I’m going to look into their programs that they have,” said 10th grader Salma.

This week’s edition of TCS Student News was researched, written and produced by students Donald Lacy and Cameron Winebrenner. Stories include the closing of Lowe’s stores, talk of a European army from French President Macron and how vaccinations work. TCS news includes a field trip to watch student Donald Lacy cast his first vote, a conversation with businessman Jeff Elkin, a focus on TCS staff member Leah Culotta, special thanks to Mimi & Poppy Laumann, Tom’s birthday and a host of thanks for the week.

This week’s edition of TCS Student News was researched, written and produced by students Claude Nicholson, Hannah Cogen and Destiny Grimes. Stories include the murder at the Tree of Life Synagogue, the migrant caravan, Chinese trade and Russian oil. TCS news includes an update on our Space Lab, a Conversation with Peggy Lashbrook about her life working with young people with disabilities, a fascinating CSI lab and other activities around the school.