Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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BMc Financial Literacy Seminar Returns

Returning for a 3rd year, the Berman McAleer financial planning and wealth management company held the first of a series of Financial Literacy Seminars today. This series has a rotating team of presenters from among the staff of BMc that includes the founders, partners and just about all members of the staff who come to the school on a monthly basis.  They cover such topics as budgeting and saving, funding a college education, how to use credit wisely and avoid its pitfalls\s and career exploration.

This series is led by Kathleen Gower, Operations Director at BMc and was joined this week by Partner and Director of Investment Management Drew Cook and Senior Client Service Associate Ashley Wilkinson. They served a delicious lunch to the students and staff prior to the seminar that was followed by an engaging presentation and discussion.

We are thankful for this significant commitment from BMc to share their knowledge and experience to add to our students life skills education.