It’s Not Easy Being Tiny
It's Not Easy Being Tiny by Chase Christou I’m short. Like very short. Too short. Being short is a weird, and cool experience. It’s sometimes depressing, and sometimes really great. I sort of feel bad for tall people. You'll never get to experience being short and standing next to a huge building and just feeling so tiny. If you’re tall you’ll still most likely feel tiny but being short just makes it so much better. Some history about me. I’ve been short all my life. In middle school I was around 4’6. Yeah short. Going through middle school for me being short was a semi-humbling and quite fun experience you could call it. Luckily for me I had a pretty good group of friends, I mean they still teased me of course. Can’t escape that. But they were nice. The other kids in the school weren’t extremely mean either. So I’d say my middle school journey was quite lucky actually, and I enjoyed it. Fast forward to high school and now I’m around 5’3. Grew a lot during quarantine. Pretty cool how that works. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m still short. I’m just a lot taller. I’m glad I’m here in this school, I don’t know if I would have been able to survive public highschool. Now that I'm here for 4 years hopefully, I have time to grow both physically and mentally. But I don’t really care too much about being the tallest person in the class. Of course I don’t want to go back to being...