Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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Seedlings for your garden will be available each afternoon, Monday through Thursdays from 2:30-5:30 at the school. Several varieties of tomatoes, basil, mint, zinnias, marigolds and more are still available....

Advisory Board members were invited to share their life and work experiences at a special session of the monthly Job Readiness Seminar chaired by Peggy Lashbrook. The students heard stories about how Tom Iacoboni and Mitchell Brown developed their businesses, Mary Pat Clarke entered into politics and became a member of the Baltimore City Council, Carol Berman left her rural town in Illinois to become a speech pathologist, Don Riesett went from the Pigtown community to becoming a worldwide advertising executive, and Chris Mazzulli switched careers to work in information technology helping people with disabilities.  Special invited guest Mike Gallo also shared his experience of rising from the streets of Chicago to becoming an executive in Minolta. The students were inspired by their stories and enjoyed the session as well as the private conversations after....

Back by popular demand, our Holiday Evergreen Sale will be held again this year.  What people like best about these items is their freshness.  They are special ordered and shipped from the forests of Washington State and they smell great and they live well past the holiday season.  We will carry a selection or wreaths, sprays, centerpieces and mini trees.  You can even have items shipped directly to family or friends as gifts.  The order blanks are available now, but the deadline for turning in orders is Monday, November 9th. Items will arrive for distribution the week of December 7th. If you would like a brochure for a personal order or would like to help promote this sale, contact Dave Bayer at the school....

TCS will have a booth at the Hopkins Spring Fair this year on April 25-26.  Stop by to show support for the school or by the plants and baked goods available for sale....

Students and sponsors are selling candy bars to raise money for the school. They have a great assortment of the most popular candy bars and snacks for only $1 each....

The Community School will be holding a gigantic Sidewalk Sale on Sunday, June 1st.  There will be loads of terrific buys from clothes to electronic equipment to furniture to a full size portable basketball hoop. Save the date and click here for updates and a list of items for sale...

[caption id="attachment_1707" align="alignleft" width="275"] Baked Goods[/caption] Enjoy some yummy home baked goods from our Bake Sale.  The students will have a table set up in front of Frazier's on 36th Street from 11am to 3pm.  All funds raised go directly into the field trip fund for the students.  Buy or Bake and help support the students! Thank you....

[caption id="attachment_1710" align="alignleft" width="266"] Candy[/caption] The students are conducting a candy sale to raise money for their field trip fund. There are a wide variety of name-brand candies each for only $1.  You can help support his sale by purchasing candy from one of the students or directly at the school.  If you would like to support the students by selling this candy, stop by the school to pick up a box of 25 to sell....