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Conversation With Bunjo Butler

Librarian, storyteller and Director of the Growing Griots program Mr. Bunjo Butler showcased his oral storytelling ability for the students with tales of his experience with racism growing up and his time in the army, and gave advice to the students.

“I enjoyed today’s conversation with Mr. Bunjo Butler. He talked about his story ad his life and what he does now. He talked about how African-Americans were mistreated in society and while overseas in the army. He talked about where he grew up in Baltimore and what he had to go through in his community. The way he talked about his daughter and how he was worried about her in the army was powerful, and he kept speaking about it. Hopefully we can hear from him again soon.” Sean, 11th grade.

He gave me insight on a lot of things that I should do with my career when I get older and how to approach my career in the future. I appreciated that he told us real life events, and how it had impacted him. He gave me a lot of wisdom and I am going to use this information moving forward in my life. He also taught me that I needed to learn more about my culture and that’s what I intend on doing.” Tyleiah, 10th grade.