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Conversation with Fleesie Hubbard

With a focus on the wonders and ways of travel, TCS Trustee Fleesie Hubbard shared a “Conversation with…” the students.  Fleesie talked about her many travels to over 30 countries that began when she was 12 years old on a class trip to Egypt.  In addition to her regular travels, Fleesie works as a medical researcher at the University of Maryland and formed a nonprofit with her colleagues that does an annual trip to medically underserved countries to perform cleft palate surgeries and to teach local doctors this procedure.

Encouraging the students to expand their travel experiences, Fleesie shared her private mantra of “Be Curious, Be Brave and Breathe.” The students talked about places they’ve been and where they look forward to going.  It was an enjoyable and engaging conversation.

Thank you Fleesie!