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Conversation With Michael Gamel-McCormick

Michael Gamel-McCormick spoke with the students today about disability advocacy in education and government. He is the Disability Policy Director for Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania. With a background in early childhood education, he was a professor and director at the University of Delaware Center for Disability studies before working as a staffer for the senate.

Here’s what some of the students had to say about this Conversation With:

“The conversation was very heart touching. I loved hearing his stories and learning about the work he did as a youth and young adult. He lead a very inspiring life and I think we need more people like him.” -Aidan

“Mr. Michael has to be the most father-like person I have ever met. He is so kind, so passionate, and so caring. You could tell he enjoyed life from the beginning. He is so emotional about hi kids and his work, showing he is really passionate.” -Claude

“I thought the conversation with was so cool! I thought it was so interesting that we had someone who works for a Senator got to come into speak with us. It was also interesting hearing his political views, especially since he is involved with politics. I thought he was very emotional which showed to me that he is strong and not afraid to show his emotions. Both times when he got emotional, I felt moved.” -Olivia