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Conversation With Series Kicks Off with Board of Trustees

Those familiar with the TCS program know that Fridays are a time for writing and discussion. To kick off the first Friday of the year the Board of Trustees prepared lunch and led a conversation with the students. This important event is traditionally the first of the Conversation With series. It is a time for the Board to get to know the students, and for the students to learn more about how the Board functions and how they influence the school. 

As always, the students asked some thought-provoking questions. They discussed what meetings are like and what happens when people have conflicting ideas, and what the Board does about tough decisions. The Board emphasized that they come to a consensus for every decision, and they do so by talking about it thoroughly. There is never much disagreement because each member of the Board approaches decisions through the framework of doing what is best for the school. The biggest responsibility that the Board has, they said, is ensuring that the school is here in the future. Mr. Tom added, “You made a commitment when you walked in the door to graduate, and we have to see that through”. 

At the end of the discussion, Ed Gavin reminded the students that the Board is there to hear any concerns people might have. Students and families may write a letter to the Board, confidentially if need be, to bring up an issue. Although we try to resolve conflicts on a smaller level, it is important to know that the Board is there if necessary. 

Today’s conversation was a great start to this year’s Conversation With seminars. New students were able to get a sense not only of what the Board of Trustees does, but how Conversation With works. We look forward to the great discussions yet to come.