Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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Conversation with Tony Pann

Another school year comes to a close with one final Conversation With. Thanks to meteorologist Tony Pann, we will be entering the summer practicing the power of positivity. Mr. Tony believes that if you put the right thoughts out into the universe, the right things will happen. He says the power behind his success is visualizing what he wants before he acts on it. To Mr. Tony, the steps to doing anything should be to be, then do, then have. Positive thinking, according to Mr. Tony, increases your probability of achieving your goals. Of course to a meteorologist, probability is everything.

Going around the room, he asked each student to state a goal they have, then to close their eyes and visualize it happening. “Carry that feeling with you always,” he told the students. Mr. Tony also invited a few students to the front of the class to practice their public speaking. It doesn’t matter if you are afraid to talk in front of groups, he says, as long as you can act like you are comfortable. The students demonstrated an industry secret, holding something in your hand like a pen or clicker as a crutch to focus your nervous energy while speaking. It’s okay to take a deep breath and pause while speaking, Mr. Tony taught, and always turn your doubtful thoughts into positive ones. So, going into this summer, remember to always visualize success in everything you do!