Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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Conversation with Trustees

We have a long-running weekly series on Fridays called “Conversation with…” where we bring in people from a variety of backgrounds, careers, cultures and passions to meet the students and share conversation. It brings the world into the classroom in a very real and personal way.

The first conversation of the year is always with the Board of Trustees of the school. We were honored to have Dave Bayer, Jeanette Norris (who joined us virtually), Ed Gavin, Fleesie Hubbard, Justin Switzer and Donald Lacy join us. Unique to our Board is that all of the members are either alumni of the school or former sponsors or family members of students. They each have a personal relationship and investment in the students and school. The group also is intergenerational from folks that go back over 40 years to a graduate from just 4 years ago.
The Trustees have oversight over the school and assure that it fulfills the TCS mission, serves the students and is built for future generations.

The students and Trustees introduced themselves and had a deep conversation about their backgrounds, challenges and keys to success. It was a memorable experience and a great start to the year.
A special thanks to the Trustees for their dedication to the students and school and also for the delicious lunch they brought in to share.