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Daj’a White’s Graduation Speech

Good afternoon family, friends and staff,  I would like to thank each and every one of you for coming out and celebrating this important day.

This year has been an awesome year.  We have had some ups and downs, but we always managed to get back on track.

My journey at TCS began four years ago when my former sponsor, Ms. Sandy, made a wrong turn and read a sign that said “The Community School an academic and mentoring high school.”

I remember Ms. Sandy telling me that TCS was a private school. She had me thinking I was going to a fancy private school; turned out I was wrong.

When I first saw the school and met with Mr. Tom, I knew I wanted to attend TCS. I was so ready for a change in my life. You see in public school I was always a problem child. I chose to hang with the so called popular kids. Hanging with the popular kids only caused me to be in a lot of trouble. I was always fighting or being in a lot of drama. It seemed like my mother was up the school every single day.

I finally realized at the end it wasn’t hurting anyone but myself. When I graduated 8th grade I was happy, but when I actually thought about it I don’t know how they passed me. I didn’t think I was ready for high school, and let me tell you I wasn’t.

My first year at TCS was really hard for me. I didn’t know how to work a book. It was very hard for me to read a question and trying to go back in the book to find the answer. I was never taught how to go about find answer in a book.

I remember being embarrassed, not wanting to show my mother my progress report or my report card because of my low grades. Everyone was bringing home good grades and I was taking home 40’s, 45’s or even lower.

School became very stressful for me. I remember most of the days I would go home crying to my mother telling her how much I wanted to go back to public school. She would push me to do my best and never give up. She encouraged me all the way. She always said, “Daj’a it will pay off in the long run.”

I have to say, my mother was right. My four years at TCS were well needed. What I mean by that is TCS changed me in ways no other school could have. I feel like I’m ready for most of the challenges life could throw at me, and that’s the help of TCS, but mostly Mr. Tom.

See, Mr. Tom is like a father to all of us. If we ever need anything, he’ll be right there to help each and every one of us. Sometimes it may not be the help you wanted, but he’s still willing to help you. My relationship with Mr. Tom is like a father and daughter type relationship. I can have any conversation with Mr. Tom. Even though I get on his nerves a lot, he knows it’s nothing but love.

I want to say “thank you Mr. Tom for being there every step of the way.” You helped me build confidence in myself. You brought out a lot of things in me that I didn’t see in myself, so thank you and I love you.

Also, I would like to give a big thank you to Marry Louise Pries. This woman is like my second mother. She has been here since day one. She would do anything for me. If it’s paying tuition, taking me home, or attending sponsor meeting.  Mary Louise plays such a major role in my life. You wouldn’t understand the long conversations she and I have had. She is such an amazing help to me.

Next, I would love to give a big thanks to both of my parents for being able to provide for me. Without you two I don’t know what I would do.

I would like to thank everyone who supported me through school – even down to the donors. Without you the school wouldn’t be able to run. We truly appreciate each and every one of you.

I also would like to give a big thanks to Ms. Peg, Ms. Leah and Ms. Carol for providing not only for me, but for the school. You all play a major role in our education.

I would like to thank Mr. Don for being a great writer and helping me to be a better one. And also for the great conversation we had. The school would not be the same without you.

Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Noah for being a great teacher and a mentor.

I truly appreciate you all.

Daj’a White
June 3, 2018