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Dr. Alan Scott Explains Immunology

Parasites, vaccinations, and public health- Dr. Alan Scott, professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, presented to the students on Monday on these specialties, giving an overview of his research as well as a look at the why’s and how’s of herd immunity. After talking about his research in nematode infections, Dr. Scott discussed how the different types of vaccinations. The students learned about the decline in the rates of disease since vaccinations were introduced, as well as how one person getting vaccinated can protect others who are vulnerable. They discussed how what types of side effects there can be from vaccines, and how serious side effects are very rare.

Following the presentation, the biology class had the privilege of an extended learning session with Dr. Scott in which they asked in-depth questions about different diseases, the effect on the cells of the body, and their treatments. Thank you Dr. Scott for this wonderful learning opportunity!