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Final Space Lab- Rover Launch!

Our students are never afraid to reach for the stars! For the past couple of months, the students have been using their problem solving skills to design a space rover that can fulfill a mission to a given planet or moon. With the guidance of Elaine Lewis of NASA Goddard, the students have researched their location, planned the type of of equipment needed to complete the mission, and created a rover that can adapt to the conditions of the location. Today was the culmination of their hard work. The groups presented on their mission and showed off their rover designs.

Aiden, Jordan, and Destiny made a rover to explore Titan, a moon of Saturn. Neenah, Ronan, Sara, and Claude planned to land a rover on the icy surface of Pluto. Tyleiah, Sean, Donald, and Garrett designed a rover to investigate the scorching surface of Venus. Finally, Olivia, Jacob, and Salma explored Neptune’s moon Triton with their rover designed to send out a probe to retrieve samples.

Congratulations on your research and ingenuity, everyone!