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Historic Trip to City Council

How often do you get to see history in the making? Our fortunate Government class witnessed just that Monday night on their trip to Baltimore City Council. The students attended a council meeting, wherein the council voted for the new council president– Brandon Scott of the 2nd district. The students then were part of a small group of people present in the Mayor’s ceremony room to see Mr. Scott sworn in by new Mayor Jack Young.

In addition to watching history happen, Mary Pat Clarke honored The Community School during the council meeting, detailing the history of TCS and explaining what makes our school so special. The students stood for everyone and were acknowledged with applause.

After the meeting and swearing-in ceremony, the class took a tour of the whole building. As they were getting ready to leave, they found newly elected Council President Brandon Scott and had the opportunity to speak with him as well. Overall it was an incredible, special visit that we won’t forget.