Inspiration by Khori Mitchell
Inspiration—a topic each student approached with a unique blend of creativity and emotion. KHORI uses the vision of the Khori she wants to be years from now.
Inspiration.. something that we all want, something that we all need. In my life I’ve been inspired by many things, but my biggest inspirations are my mom, my best friend ,and the most important inspiration is my future.
My mom inspires me so much and she doesn’t even realize it. She shows great resilience and compassion. My mom grew up very poor in the city. She never had time for herself because her mom was always working and she had to take care of her brother. On top of all the struggles she faced, she still was able to get into Western and go to college. She maintained good grades and she was just overall a really smart person . Then she faced another really hard obstacle, which was me!
My mom had me in college and she didn’t know what to do. On top of having a baby she was able to still go to college and get a job. She ended up saving her money and moving to the county where she was able to raise me and take care of me. It’s really just me and my mom since my dad and other siblings don’t live with me. Whenever I need something, I turn to her. I may argue with her and disagree with her a lot but that will never change the fact that I love her and she’s my inspiration to keep going and do something important with my life.
My best friend is another really important inspiration to me. I remember the process of me moving to Baltimore County and I had nobody. I would often struggle with homework assignments and finding the right groups of people… until I met my best friend She helped me a lot when I was struggling, even though she was struggling as well. She inspires me to show empathy to others even when I’m struggling personally.You never know what someone else is going through.
Finally, my future inspires me. In the future I can see myself being a nurse and helping others when they can’t help themselves. So whenever I’m struggling with school or relationships ,I think of the person I want to be years from now and I just envision that goal. That is my main inspiration, the main reason why I keep going.
Khori Mitchell