Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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Ms. Peggy with ASL & Great Lunches are Back

Ms. Peggy Lashbrook returned for the school year to teach her American Sign Language (ASL) courses this week. Driving all the way down from Delaware for her weekly ASL I & II seminars. Ms. Peg is a fixture in the school. She has been involved in the school for nearly 20 years and her weekly lunches are legendary!

We started off with the new students introducing themselves to Ms. Peggy followed by Mr. Tom talking about the impact Peggy has had and continues to have in the school besides what’s visible to all. She was instrumental in having the school recognized as a state certified high school by the Maryland State Department of Education and her tireless resource development work over the years has been a cornerstone to keeping the school operating.

Peggy talked about her lifetime of work with young people with severe disabilities, how she entered into the profession, her career path and her important perspective on the potential and importance of people with disabilities as part of our greater community. Ms. Peg adds so much to our community and we are thankful for all of her hard work and sacrifices for our students.