Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Contact Us: (410) 467-4920



Sponsor Meeting Held

It was a terrific Sponsor Meeting tonight. We reviewed all of the activities in the 2nd Trimester and honored all of the students for their dedication, engagement and achievements. We salute Karla, Hector Kendall, E:Ethan, Danny, Madison, Rhys, Chase, Jayla and Ethan! Special honors to Jayla, Ethan, Rhys and Chase for the challenging task of making the Honor Roll.
We also recognize the great job our teachers and seminar leaders are doing – Don, Peggy, Eduardo, Leandra, Denise, Ebony along with Kathleen and our friends at Berman McAleer and Beth and the women of Done Construction.
Our thanks to our amazing support staff especially Leah, but including Alyssa, John and Ken. Deep gratitude to all of the volunteers who supply lunches, pantry foods and help out around the school. Appreciation to the many speakers who come in for special seminars and “Conversations with..” Our continued thanks to Liz and The GreenMount School for their support of our physical education program through facility and staff.
All of this is made possible because of the folks listed above and the many others who contribute your time, financial and in-kind donations to support our students and school. We are grateful for the entire community that makes The Community School possible.