Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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Students Tour WBAL TV & Radio Station

Our newscasters at The Community School had the opportunity today to talk with the many people who keep WBAL Channel 11 such a top notch operation. Emmy award winning news anchor Megan Rivers took us on a tour of the station where the students had the chance to talk with both the familiar on-air folks and many of those behind the scenes.
We learned how the TV Studio works, had some fun with the green screen and had in depth conversations with veteran education reporter Tim Tooten, meteorologist Ava Marie, investigative reporter Tolly Taylor and radio talk show host TJ Smith (while in his studio when he was on the air). Many other folks from producers to editors and social media marketers to electronic fixers generously shared their time with us.
Our eyes were opened to all the human effort that goes into this media. We were impressed with the workplace culture reflected in how well everyone seemed to get along and work together as well as the many years that most the people we met had been at the station.
Megan seemed to know everybody on every floor and in every cubby hole and office, all of whom were so kind. We appreciate her sharing her workplace with us in addition to her twice a week visits to the school to work with our rotating news crew.
Our deepest thanks to Megan Rivers and all the folks at WBAL for having us!