Danger by Khori Mitchell
The students were tasked to write about DANGER. Khori writes about how much fun waterparks can be…until they aren’t.
There was only one time in my life where I’ve felt true danger. I was 7 years old and it was my birthday. When I was younger, I would spend my birthday going to waterparks because my birthday is in the Summer. My family and I would go to a waterpark and, afterwards, have a party at my house.
It was the same routine every year. Until my 7th birthday!From what I remember, everything was normal. My cousins were trying to drown me or get me on the big slides as usual. But I remember this waterpark was kinda different. This waterpark had a lazy river. For people who don’t know what a lazy river is, it’s a pool that moves around in a circle constantly pushing you forward. The point of it is just for you to glide with the water without having to swim. I wanted to get in the lazy river so bad but my mom kept saying no because I wasn’t tall enough. I had to watch all my older cousins enjoy the lazy river without me. I was not going to let that slide. So I begged my mom constantly until she let me… but she told me I could only go if it was with her and my little cousin, Mason. So we walked down to the lazy river and she put me in first and she told me to hold on. Her goal was to put Mason in the float and swim with me. As she’s putting Mason in the float, she turned her back on me. Suddenly, I feel the water pushing me. I repeatedly told my mom that the water was pushing me but she was busy trying to put Mason in the float. Then I couldn’t hold on anymore. The water pushed me and I started to drown because I couldn’t swim. I kept trying to grab something but there was nothing in reach. Where’s the lifeguard? You may ask. He was on the side of the pool watching me drown. Instead of getting in the water and helping me, like a normal lifeguard, he just sat there with his glasses on staring at me and smiling at that which is actually insane.
So, obviously, I’m panicking, which is making me more likely to drown. I was in danger and I kept trying to swim. Then, I stopped fighting and panicking. I look up and all I can see is the sun. My eyes slowly closed and I couldn’t breath. After that, the rest of the story is kind of blur. I just remember someone grabbing me, most likely a lifeguard, or my mom and I just kept coughing uncontrollably when my eyes opened. My mom then signed me up for swimming classes and didn’t let me go back in a lazy river until I was like 11, which didn’t go to well either.