Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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TCS at Hot Wing King!

What an amazing day! The students went to see the play Hot Wing King today at Baltimore Center Stage. We were excited to be greeted by Artistic Director and friend of TCS Stevie Walker-Webb and his terrific staff before we even went in the building. Then, first Lady of Maryland, Dawn Moore, came out to welcome and invite us inside! What a warm welcome!
Both spoke before the play to express the importance of arts for the young people of Baltimore and Maryland. This commitment from Center Stage has certainly been evidenced over the years in their kindness to The Community School. They invite our students to view several performances each year, sponsor an annual multi-week playwriting seminar at TCS and have their staff come into the school each year to have conversation with the students. We are so thankful for them!
This Pulitzer Prize winning play was entertaining and kept us laughing while also telling a moving story about the challenges of relationships – partners, father-son, family and friends through the eyes of 6 Black men. Though the story was centered on a gay couple and gave great insight into the particulars of being Black and gay, the themes were universal.
We were fortunate to talk with one of the play’s actors, Israel Erron Ford who hilariously and poignantly plays “Isom” in Hot Wing King. We’re hoping he’ll be able to come to the school next week. Israel and Jude Tibeau who plays “TJ” posed with the students for a memorable photo.
Special thanks to Janal Daniel and the great team in the Learning and Social Accountability Department who have been so kind to us over the years.