Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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The “Grandparents” are back!

UMWToday this first class of the new TCS High School met their grandparents.  Well, they’re not really their biological grandparents, but any student that’s been in the school for the last several years knows who we are talking about.  They are the very kind folks from the United Methodist Women of Good Shepherd Church in Hampden. They come to the school every month to show support for the students and the school in many ways.  Today they dropped off bags and bags full of needed school supplies. Another month, it may be a lunch or food to stock the pantry shelves or even gifts for the students during the holidays. The group contributes to a scholarship fund for our college students and is a major force behind fundraising for our field trips.  They raise all of this money a quarter or a dollar at a time through selling thrift items like clothing and appliances that is provided as a benefit to the community-at-large for a low cost.  We are very thankful for them as they are true to their motto – “Love In Action”.