Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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Third Sponsor Meeting Recognizes Students’ Hard Work

This Thursday sponsors and students gathered for the third sponsor meeting of the school year. Thursday’s sponsor meeting wrapped up the first trimester, handed out report cards and recognized everyone’s hard work so far this year. The meeting was chaired by Lisa Knickmeyer, who has taken on the role of Sponsor Coordinator for the 2019-2020 school term. 

After a brief report from Mr. Tom and a presentation on all of the special activities of the 1st trimester by Olivia and Jacob, Lisa had everyone break down into 5 different groups that scattered around the building.  Each group did brainstorming on student recruitment, social activities, facility maintenance, fundraising and the structure of the sponsor program. Everyone came back together and each group reported their ideas to be compiled by Lisa and circulated for future action.

The meeting ended with handing out report cards. Seven students made the Honor Roll, qualifying with a total average of above 90% and no subject below 80% – congratulations Ethan, Keith, Ronan, Sara, Aidan, Claude and Olivia

This trimester saw great attendance, with a 99.1% overall attendance record and 76% of the students having not missing a single day – good job to Ethan, Faith, Keith, Jacob, Destiny, Ronan, Sara, Aidan, Claude, Le’Onnie, Salma, Joshua, and Olivia

We also recognized two special academic achievements. Great job, Aidan, for completing all of your high school math credits as a Junior, and Olivia for being accepted into college!

Thank you to our student leaders this trimester- Jacob as Cleanup Coordinator and Studio Coordinator, Destiny as Cleanup Coordinator, Sara as Greenhouse Coordinator, and Aidan and Salma as Gratitude Coordinators. 

Thank you to everyone who attended the sponsor meeting, to all of the students for their hard work and to everyone who has volunteered so far this year. You all help make TCS a special place.