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Vernon Laumann IV Graduation Speech

Wow, what a journey this has been!

Four years ago, when I came to The Community School, I never imagined how much it would change my life. Being a public school student up to that point, I never really enjoyed school; it always seemed to be a drag. By the time high school came around, I really only had one choice, Mervo.

 It only took me three months to realize that I was going to either quit school or start hanging around the wrong crowd. My parents saw how unhappy I was, and neither of them could stand it. I mean we were about to pack our stuff up and leave the city. My mom started searching, and I mean searching, when she came across The Community School.

She told me that it was a small school, but I found out later during my interview just how small the school really was. We talked some more about the school and I had an interview with Mr. Tom. As Mr. Tom was talking about the school, I took a deep breath and just thought to myself, “This is for me.” I knew before the interview was even over that TCS was the next chapter in my life.

Within the first couple months I started exceeding my own expectations. I saw myself growing in ways I never imagined, I began to understand what was going on in the world and having conversations with family about current events. I developed better social skills, I even felt better about speaking in front of a crowd, thank God, right!

I would have never gotten here without my support system.

My parents: They have been there for everything and I mean everything.

They are the reason I am on this stage right now, I love you guys so much and honestly wouldn’t know what to do without you.

My grandparents: Not have you only been there since day one but your constant support of the school and the other students has been so generous, and I’m sure I can vouch for everyone when I say the lunches your brought in were amazing.

The Community School has meant so much to me, so much more than my words can express. Mr. Tom taught me the true meaning of education. I mean, I would wake up in the morning with a smile on my face because I was happy at TCS, it has felt like a second home.

 It was the first time I felt safe at a school and where I could really be myself and didn’t have to pretend like I was someone I wasn’t. On top of that, Mr. Tom helped me, find me. Of course, I knew what I liked and didn’t like, but I didn’t fully see what I was capable of and Mr. Tom brought that out in me.

I mean do you remember that History Mr. Tom? Whew that was a doozy!

But I turned around and got threw it, not only because Mr. Tom told me what’s what, but because he believed in me one-hundred percent of the way. On top of that I never saw myself getting through that math book, but you, Mr. Tom believed in me and help me every step of the way. I’m so thankful to have someone like you in my life, I mean I never imagined this moment in a million years but you made it possible. You helped me believe in myself and strive for better. You, Mr. Tom, have prepared me for my next steps into the world. You have taught me the habits I need to lead a successful life.

Lastly, I just want to say to everyone that is continuing next year, make sure you make the most of every day at The Community School. You have been given a tremendous gift! Take full advantage of every opportunity.

Vernon Laumann IV
June 3, 2018