Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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A self portrait – that was the prompt for today’s special art seminar. Following a long TCS tradition, the students had a special art session today where they were free to let their creativity loose as they put acrylic to canvas. With smooth jazz playing in the background, the students became lost in their imaginations and their art.

The works were as varied as the students, each with their own unique meaning and reflection on their life. Our thanks to art teacher Leandra Laird for encouraging this seminar as an interruption to the more typical focus on learning technique along with their creative expression.

You might think investing is too big a topic for high school students, but not at The Community School. Our friends from Berman McAleer were in for another of their monthly Financial Literacy seminars. Led by Kathleen Gower along with Brian Carroll and Terri Cook, the students explored how investing just $30 a month – under $10/week) would grow when compounded over the years.

Students talked about using the money from their summer jobs and cutting down on unnecessary spending to begin investing now.

The students learned a lot this week and are looking forward to Part II of this seminar in January. Thank you BMc and Kathleen, Brian and Terri!

In another of our special series of “Conversations with…” members of our own school community, Denise Kumani Gantt joined us this day. Denise is an artist of many talents and mediums who has been working with TCS students every week in her capacity as Education Director for The Lyric.

In today’s conversation, Denise talked about many personal aspects of her life. She also spoke about her career path that included over a decade at Center Stage and a number of writing residencies including a month in India. Denise shared several of her moving works of digital storytelling and read from her published works.

Even though the students have worked with Denise for several years, the conversation deepened the relationship and mutual understanding among all.

Thank you Denise for working with us and so generously sharing your time and talent.

The students are completing their woodworking projects and have assembled, sanded and sealed their bookshelves. The wonderful women of Done Construction have been working with them on this project this trimester and the finished product looks great!
Thank you Beth, Junior, Catesby, Senior and Kristen!

We had a really wonderful Holiday Party last night! It was terrific to see so many students, alumni and their families as well as the volunteers and school community both past and current. Everything was set up so festive both inside and outside the school! The food was bountiful and as deliciously diverse as our school community.
We’ve only missed this event once and that was during COVID. Then, we decided the party must go on, so we moved it outdoors with donated patio heaters and a fire pit. This year the party was spread from the inside the building across the front on Huntingdon and down the 30th Street side.
Our appreciation to all of those who came and those who helped decorate, set up and clean up and the many people who brought food to share. A special thank you to Jenae for another great job co-ordinating this event and to Dave who is always the worker at the center of all we do.
What a great community we have in The Community School!