Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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Returning for a 3rd year, the Berman McAleer financial planning and wealth management company held the first of a series of Financial Literacy Seminars today. This series has a rotating team of presenters from among the staff of BMc that includes the founders, partners and just about all members of the staff who come to the school on a monthly basis.  They cover such topics as budgeting and saving, funding a college education, how to use credit wisely and avoid its pitfalls\s and career exploration.

This series is led by Kathleen Gower, Operations Director at BMc and was joined this week by Partner and Director of Investment Management Drew Cook and Senior Client Service Associate Ashley Wilkinson. They served a delicious lunch to the students and staff prior to the seminar that was followed by an engaging presentation and discussion.

We are thankful for this significant commitment from BMc to share their knowledge and experience to add to our students life skills education.

Emmy Award-winning anchor/reporter Megan Rivers was our guest for our second “Conversation with…” of the new school year. Megan is a new member of the TCS community since becoming an advisor to our TCS Student news podcast. She meets with the rotating news team twice each week to help them develop their scripts and delivery.

Ms. Rivers shared stories from her early life in South Carolina, her educational and career path and the many lessons learned along the way. The students had many questions and also shared their own perspectives in the lively conversation.

We welcome Megan to the school community and are deeply appreciative of her investment of time and talent to our TCS News crews.

This week’s podcast was researched, written, produced and anchored by Karla Rivas and Ethan Jobita Jemadari with technical production by Rhys Guilfoyle, lighting by Ms. Jenae Gates and support by TCS Student News Advisor Megan Rivers and advising by Megan Rivers.

This is a student run podcast. They pick their own lead story, write their own script, produce the broadcast with photos to accompany the podcast, set up the studio and film it.


Bringing their considerable and varied artistic talents into the classroom, Ms. Denise Gantt and Ms. Ebony Evans are back again. This year’s weekly seminar will focus on reading and understanding plays, but will include monthly somatic workshops at The Lyric. The students will also write and perform a work based on their own life experiences.

As a kickoff to this year’s class, the students visited The Lyric, a historic former opera house built in the 19th century. We started with a delicious lunch and then toured the venue and learned about its history and the many performers who were on the same stage the students visited including such varied performers as Chris Rock, Diana Ross, the Grateful Dead and Alvin Ailey. The last part of the day had the students developing and acting out short scenes.

It was a fun-filled trip and a great start to another terrific year thanks to Mama Denise, Sister Ebony and The Lyric.

Physical Education with Mr. Eduardo Viana is an anticipated tradition that stretches back for 7 years now. Through the generosity and kindness of Mr. Eduardo and The GreenMount School community and their Head of School, Ms. Liz Dover, the students have a weekly P.E. class at their gym and fields.

Eduardo is so much more than their P.E. teacher, he is also an important mentor, bringing his life experience growing up in Brazil to the students. He exposes the students to new sports from around the world as he develops each student’s potential, fitness and appreciation for varying forms of physical activity.

Mr. Eduardo adds so much to the educational experience of our students and we are very thankful to him and The GreenMount School.

Ms. Peggy Lashbrook returned for the school year to teach her American Sign Language (ASL) courses this week. Driving all the way down from Delaware for her weekly ASL I & II seminars. Ms. Peg is a fixture in the school. She has been involved in the school for nearly 20 years and her weekly lunches are legendary!

We started off with the new students introducing themselves to Ms. Peggy followed by Mr. Tom talking about the impact Peggy has had and continues to have in the school besides what’s visible to all. She was instrumental in having the school recognized as a state certified high school by the Maryland State Department of Education and her tireless resource development work over the years has been a cornerstone to keeping the school operating.

Peggy talked about her lifetime of work with young people with severe disabilities, how she entered into the profession, her career path and her important perspective on the potential and importance of people with disabilities as part of our greater community. Ms. Peg adds so much to our community and we are thankful for all of her hard work and sacrifices for our students.