Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

Contact Us: (410) 467-4920



The 2nd Sponsor Meeting of the school year will be held on Wednesday, October 15th at 7:00. All are welcome....

[caption id="attachment_758" align="alignleft" width="300"] TCS Banner Photo[/caption] The final Sponsor Meeting of the year will take place on Wednesday,May 28th at 7:00.  Report Cards will be given out,  plans for the new term will be discussed, and sponsors will participate in an evaluation of the 2013/2014 term.  Looking forward to seeing everyone there....

[caption id="attachment_1700" align="alignleft" width="300"] Girl Rising[/caption] There will be a showing of the acclaimed documentary film Girl Rising at the school on Sunday, May 4th at 2:30. The film highlights the issues of girls' education from around the world in a creative, captivating way.  This issue is very important to our young women who are students at the school and they invite you to watch the film and join in a discussion afterwards. The film showing is free but you must have a ticket because of limited seating.  There will be snacks for sale and we will be taking donations to support girl's education projects.  Contact the school for more information. To find out more about Girl Rising, Click Here....

Our Annual Open House is taking place on Thursday, December 19th from 5:30 to 8:30.  Everyone is invited to just stop in or stay for the evening.  Let us know if you can make it.  Hope to see you there....

The 1st Community Pot Luck Dinner of the new school year will be held on Sunday, November 17th at 5:30.  It has a Thanksgiving theme and is being co-ordinated by students Claivonda Taylor and Samantha Bell.  Everyone is invited to come and bring a favorite dish to share.  Contact Claivonda at the school 410-467-4920 to let us know you're coming.  Hope to see you there!...

The Board of Trustees announced the date for one of the year's favorite events, the Holiday Open House. It will be held on Thursday, December 19th from 5-8:30 at the school.  This has been a long time annual tradition and serves as a homecoming for all the alumni, volunteers, and supporters throughout the years.  Everyone is invited to drop by anytime during the Open House.  Hope to see you there!...

Chairperson Dave Bayer announced that the  Board of Trustees will be meeting On Wednesday, October 2nd .  In addition to the normal business of oversight and planning, the Trustees will receive a personal report from Gary Bozel and Megan Lindemeyer of accounting firm Gary R. Bozel and Associates who will be presenting their annual audit findings for the fiscal year that ended in June....