Donald and Jordan Ace College Course!
The first class you take in college can be exciting, nerve-wracking, intimidating, or any combination of emotions. For most new college students, the step into your first class can feel all the more daunting because you are newly removed from the support system you have been accustomed to in high school. Thankfully for our TCS seniors, this doesn’t have to be their reality. To ensure a smooth transition process, we send our seniors to the Community College of Baltimore County for an “intro to college” course that will help ease their transition to the new learning environment that awaits post-high school. We are very happy to announce that our class of 2019 seniors, Donald Lacy and Jordan Leon, have successfully completed their first college course. We sat down together to discuss their experience. According to Jordan, the goal of the course was to teach ways to be successful in college, and specifically CCBC. Donald added that the course covered everything from financial aid, time management, and note taking to how to use Blackboard, an online teaching tool where they can find their assignments. For Donald, the most useful part of the class was learning to use Blackboard, so that he may be able to jump right in next year. Jordan appreciated the lessons on time management. Looking ahead to the future, both Donald and Jordan have a few ideas of in what direction they would like to go. Donald would like to complete his general education classes at CCBC while also doing a volunteer firefighter program....