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Student’s Writings

Student’s Writings

Under Construction

Under Construction

Wow, what a journey this has been!

Four years ago, when I came to The Community School, I never imagined how much it would change my life. Being a public school student up to that point, I never really enjoyed school; it always seemed to be a drag. By the time high school came around, I really only had one choice, Mervo.

 It only took me three months to realize that I was going to either quit school or start hanging around the wrong crowd. My parents saw how unhappy I was, and neither of them could stand it. I mean we were about to pack our stuff up and leave the city. My mom started searching, and I mean searching, when she came across The Community School.

She told me that it was a small school, but I found out later during my interview just how small the school really was. We talked some more about the school and I had an interview with Mr. Tom. As Mr. Tom was talking about the school, I took a deep breath and just thought to myself, “This is for me.” I knew before the interview was even over that TCS was the next chapter in my life.

Within the first couple months I started exceeding my own expectations. I saw myself growing in ways I never imagined, I began to understand what was going on in the world and having conversations with family about current events. I developed better social skills, I even felt better about speaking in front of a crowd, thank God, right!

I would have never gotten here without my support system.

My parents: They have been there for everything and I mean everything.

They are the reason I am on this stage right now, I love you guys so much and honestly wouldn’t know what to do without you.

My grandparents: Not have you only been there since day one but your constant support of the school and the other students has been so generous, and I’m sure I can vouch for everyone when I say the lunches your brought in were amazing.

The Community School has meant so much to me, so much more than my words can express. Mr. Tom taught me the true meaning of education. I mean, I would wake up in the morning with a smile on my face because I was happy at TCS, it has felt like a second home.

 It was the first time I felt safe at a school and where I could really be myself and didn’t have to pretend like I was someone I wasn’t. On top of that, Mr. Tom helped me, find me. Of course, I knew what I liked and didn’t like, but I didn’t fully see what I was capable of and Mr. Tom brought that out in me.

I mean do you remember that History Mr. Tom? Whew that was a doozy!

But I turned around and got threw it, not only because Mr. Tom told me what’s what, but because he believed in me one-hundred percent of the way. On top of that I never saw myself getting through that math book, but you, Mr. Tom believed in me and help me every step of the way. I’m so thankful to have someone like you in my life, I mean I never imagined this moment in a million years but you made it possible. You helped me believe in myself and strive for better. You, Mr. Tom, have prepared me for my next steps into the world. You have taught me the habits I need to lead a successful life.

Lastly, I just want to say to everyone that is continuing next year, make sure you make the most of every day at The Community School. You have been given a tremendous gift! Take full advantage of every opportunity.

Vernon Laumann IV
June 3, 2018




Good Afternoon everyone, I hope you are having a good time so far.

I was not a good student before I came to this school. My grades were horrible – I had  D’s and C’s, and rarely were there A’s or B’s. Going to school was boring and a waste of time in my mind back then. I would fake being sick or pretend to get hurt so one of my family members would come and pick me up. My attendance was not the best and I rarely tried to do school work and homework.

I have come a long way since then. In this school, I have never missed a single day. That is a huge first for me. My grades have gone from D’s and C’s to B’s. When I first started this school, I had to go back to addition because of my earlier school experiences. Now, I have almost completed the Integrated Math book.

Every year that I have been here, I have said that this is the best year I have ever done academically. I’m pretty sure this is, in part, because I actually want to do the work. I love being in this school and I can’t imagine being anywhere else. My change, since I have been a student of this school, has been dramatically for the better.

The Community School is an academic and mentoring high school. The mentoring part of the school has impacted me as much as the academics have. Because of this school, I am a better person. I am not greedy or selfish. I have improved my life in many ways. At home and everywhere else I go, I am more helpful, mindful of others, and respectful. My relationship with my family members has also improved. I learned to get along with others, even if they’re not my favorite people.

My education has improved in multiple ways. There is more one-on-one time in this school than there is in most other schools. The individualized math system has enabled me to move at my own pace to learn everything that I need to know before moving on. The helpfulness of our teachers and other students allows for easy learning and studying, which in turn, can lead to great grades if you use it right. In normal public schools, these opportunities usually do not occur.

I have had a lot of good memories in this school. I’m going to share a memory from this year with you. Mr. Tom was able to get tickets for the musical/play Les Mis. This was in Washington D.C. I have never been to Washington D.C. before, so this was a big experience for me. I had a great time in D.C. and the play was amazing. It was so good that Jordan and I sing the music to it all the time.

Another memory is when Jordan and I stayed after school a little later on a Friday and we played “Just Dance” on the Main Classroom board. We’ve done this a couple of times this year. Last year we would use Jordan’s phone and do it out front on Friday mornings.

The younger classmen have been great this year. The Freshmen and the Sophomores are really nice and cool people. I’m glad to have people like you in the school. I’ve had a lot of sad, serious, and fun times with a lot of you, and I’m glad that I could be a part of that to help you out and to have you help me out as well.  You all will turn out to be even better leaders and contributors than you are now.

I’ve had a lot of great times with each of the Seniors.

Marcus, I’m happy, privileged, and honored to have known a person like you. Every time that I needed you, for whatever it was, you were there for me. When I was upset about my grades in the first year, you talked to me and showed me some study tips that I still use today.

Caleb, I’m grateful to have known someone as funny and smart as you. When I was down you would make sure that you asked me if I was okay and if you could help. I had a lot of great and hilarious moments with you. You’re a great person and I hope you have an amazing life.

Daj’a, you’re like a big sister to me. Your determination is a big strength of yours. You watch over the students and help them when they need it. You are a great friend to be around because deep down, you know what’s important and you know how to handle yourself. It was cool to have met such a fun and caring person like you.

Vernon, you’re a great friend, cousin, and person. You’re always happy, or at least laughing. When your spirit is high you bring everyone around you up too. You’ve given me some great and funny tips for life. I hope all of you stay in touch so we can make our friendship last for years and years.

Thank you to my sponsors Ms.Leah, Blaine, and my mom for being there for me and boosting me up when I seemed to be falling down.

Thank you to my teachers Mr.Tom, Mr.Noah, Mr.Don, and many more for helping me learn new and useful life skills that will help me on my journey through life.

Thank you to the amazing people that made delicious lunches and helped us bring in supplied all year.

Thank you Ms.Peg for helping the school out as much as you do.

Thank you to the graduates for being awesome friends and pushing me to do my best.

Thank you to the lower classes for helping me feel like a leader and giving me confidence to be a big leader in the school next year.

Thank you to everyone that just stopped in to say hi or give us an encouraging message.

If I were to go on, we would be here until night time. Thank yous go out to everyone that has ever helped out the school in some way or another.

To wrap up I want to talk about my hopes for next year’s class. I will be a senior and a leader of the school. I won’t be the only leader because I will have all of the students here to help. We need everyone to step up next year and do their part to make it as good as we possibly can. We will lead the new students and each other to success and build each other to reach the top. Next year is going to be amazing, I can already tell.

I hope everyone has a great summer and I hope that the graduates achieve great things in the next step in their lives.

Donald Lacy

June 3, 2018



That’s That Nobody

Now son, I want you to look here, right here, right into my eyes. You see that? You know what that is? Yellow. That’s that someone right there, you know? It might even be that nobody, you get? Nah, you’re too stupid to understand. Look here, I was that nobody that you hear about. Y’know son, I was that man always on that juice, you feel?

Cheap stuff. Alright stuff. Need a 6 pack to live stuff. Ain’t talkin’ that swole body neither, you know? I got that old body. The fat body, the settling for anybody type body. Yeah, sitting in it.

Rolling in it, that nobody. You know, the others that sat ‘round here, you know what now? Up and vanished. They crept on out and became someone, left me to be nobody. That momma you got, that’s nobody. That father you got, son, that’s nobody.

Always just shooting to get to someone, but never somebody. That’s what I want, never will get it, but that’s it right there. Somebody who leaves out. Somebody who’s going out, doing it up, doing it up large. Sitting in it, rolling in it, somebody. Somebody who somebody cares about. Somebody who someone looks up to. Somebody that, that nobody envies. That’s the body I want, but I’m just stuck. Me and my only two friends, Jaundéce and Colt, and we all wearin’ Blue Ribbons. No, that’s not a blue ribbon you want, son. That’s that nobody blue ribbon. That’s all it will ever be, that’s all I’ll ever be, that nobody. Now son, go out, and be somebody.

     Marcus Mckeever


It’s Not Easy

It’s not easy being in a house with a lot of brothers and sisters, having to deal with all the confusion that goes with it. It’s not easy being eighteen still having to share a bed with your little sisters and one who has a bladder problem.  Sometimes I even have to share a bed with  my seven year old niece. But I won’t complain. It’s not easy having to live in a household with parents who share fake love with each other. It’s not easy coming home from school and not having a hot meal on the dinner table, or having to go to  bed with an empty stomach and waking up the next day having to go to school. But me, I still won’t complain. It’s not easy having to wake up five o’clock in the  morning having to catch two buses to school. It’s not easy going home and having to manage school work while trying to clean up everything your mother asks you to clean up. But yet, I won’t complain.

See me I still manage to get through it all. Even if it means having to go around my aunt’s house on the days she has to work and getting a ride to school from her. I also know when I go around my aunts house I  will always have a hot meal every night  and a bed I can sleep in alone. Even though its tough, I manage to get through it all  by  having different people I can go to for help. Sometimes, I look at myself like a superhero. I say a superhero because I get a lot of challenges thrown at me but, at the end of the day I’ve figured all of them out. To me that’s like a superhero having a mission thrown at them and, at the end of the tv show or movie, they have conquered the mission.

Daj’a White

December 1, 2017

Goodnight Family

Oh papa, how hard you worked today. You woke up early to take me and my little brother to school. I know I can be a pain in the butt sometimes, but at the end of the day things work out. Papa, don’t stress yourself out too much and get a good night’s rest.
Goodnight papa

Oh mama, you have also worked very hard today. You had to run so many errands. Driving back and forth and you never have some relaxing time. Mama I don’t want you to get stressed out by the things my brother and I do.
Sweet dreams mama

Oh brother, you might not understand what I’m saying but listen up, okay? How was school? Oh really, how wonderful! Now little brother let me tell you something about school. It starts out with fun and games but when you grow up, you won’t even have time for that. Take advantage of being a little kid because when you get older you will miss those carefree days. Now it’s time to go to sleep.
Night night little brother

Hi friends, you guys are the ones who know me the best. I don’t know I what would do without you guys. I love spending time with you after school on Fridays. You make me smile when I feel down.
Goodnight friends

Ahh Mexico, the place that holds my favorite memories. The place where I spent most of my childhood. The place where my family is. Wish I could be there in person to say goodnight and to tuck all my little cousins in bed. My family in Mexico might be poor but at least they are all together and happy. That’s all they need is family.
Goodnight Mexico

Salma Ruiz-Cruz

Rich Kid Christmas

It’s morning, oh yea it’s my big day. It’s time for more stacks. Oh yea those stacks that you look at and you just wanna cry. Not the sad cry, but the cry that just makes you so happy. I’m talking about the green. Forget the tree. I’m talking about that real pretty green, with the face on it… mhm mhm mhm. I can smell it now. I wonder how many stacks I’m getting this Christmas. I can tell you one thing it better be at least three. Oh no not just three. I mean three if you know what I’m talking about. Swimming in money it’s a part of Christmas.

Mom, Pops can you get me the new Bugatti Chiron 2018. Sure, anything for you Timothy. Mom, Pops can you get me that beach house I told you about last week. Timothy, anything for you. Mom, pops don’t forget about my other list. I need everything on there.

Are you kidding me right now? You can’t be serious. Wow! That’s it I’m done with you guys. You know I wanted the blue one. How can you seriously get me the red one? This is the worst christmas ever. How am I supposed to drive down the street in a red Bugatti? I’m twenty two. I have a reputation. That’s it. Take it back and get me the blue one, now! Go! I can’t look at either of you.

Poor Kid Christmas

It’s morning. No presents, nothing. My mom and dad are both working. They both work really hard. I can’t wait to see them when they get home at two. I got my mom a brand new pair of shoes. Whatever you do, please do not tell her. You best believe I worked hard for those shoes. I got my dad his favorite soda. My dad is a simple guy. He doesn’t care for presents much. So if you tell him, he probably won’t care much.

Mom! Dad! Merry Christmas! Go look under the tree. I got you both something. Jeremy, you shouldn’t have. You need to save your money for a rainy day. I know, I know, but I really wanted to get you guys something. Thanks a lot. This means a lot to me, sweety. I needed a new pair of shoes, mine have holes in them. Thanks for the soda, buddy. I’m about to go make a cup right now.

Jeremy, I’m sorry we couldn’t get you anything. We both have too many bills to pay. We promise after the new year we will get you something. No don’t worry about it. This Christmas is about you. Thank you for everything, and being wonderful parents.


Spencer Erdossy
