Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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The deteriorating and desperate conditions in Haiti are on the minds of TCS students and the main story in this week’s TCS Student News. But that’s not the only international story covered as they report on a “Conversation with” Ulyana Bezkorovayna who spoke about the war in her homeland of Ukraine. You’ll also hear about the recent conversation with frequent guest speaker, Dr. Al Scott.

All this and more in this week’s edition of TCS Student News researched, written, produced and anchored by Hector Rivas and Quinn Guiilfoyle with technical production by Rhys Guilfoyle.

We were honored to have Ulyana Bezkorovayna join us in conversation today. Ulyana is from Ukraine and spoke personally about the war of Russian aggression and its impact on the people and the country. Many of Ulyana’s family and friends continue to live in Ukraine though she was able to bring her parents here recently.
The students have been closely following the news of the war since its inception and had many questions for Ulyana. The discussion was both personal and analytical.
This was an informative, touching and enlightening conversation. It shed a light on an issue that we are all deeply concerned about. We deeply appreciate Ulyana’s generous sharing of her time with us.

Loans and debt were the topics of this month’s Financial Literacy Seminar. Kathleen Gower, Kim Silvestri and Ulyana Bezkorovayna taught the Berman McAleer sponsored class this week. The students discussed all the financial aspects of car buying from deciding between a used and new purchase to interest rates differentials to insurance costs. This seminar was preceded by a delicious homemade lunch provided by BMc.
The students continue to learn so much through these seminars that will influence their choices throughout their lives. Thank you Kathleen, Kim and Ulyana and all the folks at Berman McAleer.

We welcomed Dr. Al Scott back to the school today as our “Conversation with…”guest. Dr. Scott is a researcher, administrator, and Professor of Immunology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Dr. Scott’s visit to the school was particularly timely because the upperclass students in the school are currently studying the immune system in their Honors Biology class. The students were prepared with plenty of questions which Dr. Scott answered with the clarity that displayed his many years of teaching. He also spoke about his education, career path and work.

Dr. Scott has been a friend of the school for many years and guest lectures several times each year. We are very grateful for his generous sharing of time with us.

This week’s edition of TCS Student News was researched, written, produced and anchored by Karla Rivas and Kennedy Lewis with technical production by Rhys Guilfoyle.

This week’s TCS Student News by Karla Rivas and Kennedy Lewis is packed with insights an information on what happened around the school this past week. They start with a main story that updates us on the Presidential election and the prominent issues involved.

TCS Studies include reporting and commentary on a very special “Conversation with..” women from TCS on International Women’s Day. We also had a special Conversation with Ron Halbright who works with refugees in Europe.

Plus there are interesting updates on the many seminars and events in the last week from lamp making with Done Construction to art and the Sponsor meeting to Shadow Day.

Ron Halbright, a good friend of the school for many years, came in for a special conversation today. Ron was a community worker and used to live in Baltimore but has lived in Switzerland for the last 34 years. There he is engaged in social justice work including work with refugees and other disenfranchised people.

Ron’s work is influenced by his family’s persecution and losing many relatives during the Holocaust and that his parents were refugees themselves as they came to the United States. His work today includes facilitating dialogue between Jews and Muslims. Ron attended our current events class and joined in the conversation about the news of the day.

It is always a pleasure to have Ron visit the school when he is in town and we appreciate him sharing his work with us.