Alienum phaedrum torquatos nec eu, vis detraxit periculis ex, nihil expetendis in mei. Mei an pericula euripidis, hinc partem.

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It was another great day at TCS! The fruits of our relationship with The University of Baltimore bore fruit today. It began with a visit by former Mayor and U of B President Kurt Schmoke last fall. It grew with a visit by John Brenner and Philippia Richardson who run the U of B Dual Enrollment office and have been so kind. and great to work with And it resulted in having Professor Adejoke Ajayi who started teaching a 3 credit U of B course to our upperclass students at our school today.
This expands our existing dual enrollment program giving our students the opportunity to earn up to a year of college credits before graduating from TCS! Welcome Professor Ajayi and thank you Philippia for coming by the school today to kick off the program. We are thankful to all of the folks at the University of Baltimore for this opportunity!
We are so proud of our students for their commitment to build a brighter future!

This special edition of TCS Student News was anchored by Kevin Brown, Chase Christou and Ethan Jobita Jemadari.  It was researched and written by Kevin, Chase and Ethan with production assistance from Jayla Nickens-Gill and Ethan Christou.

This week’s edition of TCS Student News was researched, written, produced and anchored by Jayla Nickens-Gill and Ethan Christou with production assistance by Ronan Guilfoyle.